
I seem to have been quite out of touch with the quilting groups for several weeks now. I missed both of the last two friendship nights so I can’t report the goings-on of ‘Just Friends’ for July and August and I’ve also missed most of the Wednesday groups also. However, although I’ve been busy doing other things on Tuesdays and Wednesdays I have managed to finish one quilt that has been in the cupboard for about 8 years and I have pieced a fresh new quilt top.

Ocean Waves 2016

Ocean Waves 2016

This Ocean Waves quilt was pieced about 8 years ago. It’s the 4th quilt that I’ve made using fabric from men’s shirts. I’ve quilted it very simply using perle thread and straight lines – yes, even the red border was once a shirt.


While visiting Bronwyn’s place in Canberra recently I found her fabrics that she started collecting some time ago to make herself a new quilt. That was before life became as busy as it is now and she has no chance of making a quilt again for many years to come. But I’ve got the time and so I brought the stash home with me and have run up a very quick and simple top.

Bronwyn's quilt 2016

Bronwyn’s quilt 2016

I hope to baste it this week and begin quilting it straight away so it will be finished in a couple of months.

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I hope to be back to quilting this week and I’m looking forward to seeing you all again.